business needs 1a... business needs 2 ... business needs 3 ... business needs 4 ... business needs 5 ...



...when Computer technology was only starting to conquer the world and the graphic trade was still truly hand - crafted, I was running a small graphic studio in London, called "The Graphic and Publishing Studio", struggling with Letraset, ink, nibs and rubber, to satisfy my customer's needs. Those were the days...and yet, it was just as pleasing to finish a job to everybody's satisfaction. Only drawback was: it took ages, compared to today, when you are sitting at the keyboard. Still, finding the right ideas can be just as demanding as it was then and learning to handle the new set of tools took it's time too. So, upon my return to Vienna in 1991 I realised pretty soon, that I had to engage myself with hardware, software, pixels and bytes. So I did and started "ES - Design & Grafik". I did, however, not want to give up drawing and painting alltogether, since I have long discovered the medidative effect of it.