

Towards the end of this period I had my first attempts in "the visual arts" as well as the first experiences with drumming and bands.



After my voice had again settled satisfactorily, I joined the men’s choir of the former Choir-Boys (Chorus Viennensis). (My first rehearsal was on May 26th , 1965). During July 1967 I bought my first drum-kit and during the following years I played the drums in various school and student bands. From 1968 onwards I stood on various stages, partly as a drummer of pop-covers bands, partly as baritone with various choirs. During this period I also took part in 6 LP-productions with classical choir music.


BRG XX. Unterbergergasse / 5.th form (1965/66)

6.th form (1966/67)

7.th form (1967/68)

8.th form (1968/69)

Army-duty 1970/71